Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Several years ago I decided to make some tote bags out of animal feed bags.  The first ones were not very attractive even though they were and are still functional.

I carry all sorts of things in these totes, and the big one is used for our supplement containers whenever Bob and I go on overnight jaunts. I have worked at getting the dimensions just right and now I can cut and sew one of these wonderfully strong bags in less than an hour!

Here is one of the latest totes, made out of pig feed.  Some people love green and some people love pigs!

These are the baby pigs born recently at the pig farm where I get the pink and purple feed bags from some wonderful, generous and friendly people, Greg & Susan Gonzalez at West Coast Show Pig Genetics.  Aren't they just the cutest!!!?  You can find them on Facebook.

These totes are strong as iron and can be wiped clean with a damp cloth.  Some of them I use plastic grommets to  make them more "stylish"!  My daughter posted a guest blog on her blogspot and it was picked up and featured on Roadkill Rescue and most recently, BetterAfter!  What a kick in the pants! There is something fulfilling and rewarding about making something useful out of something that would otherwise be thrown away.  It is something that makes me smile.

This blogspot is still in it's infancy and has lots of room for improvement, but it will come with time and study, when I am not making more totes.  Hope you find something that makes you smile every day!