Monday, February 20, 2012

So Much Talent!

We are a large family and there is a lot of talent shown in lots of people within this family!  I am going to feature one brother in this blog.  He is the middle brother of 5 brothers and his name is Roy.

                                                 Isn't he a handsome one?!

His talents are many and include woodworking.  He has made many furniture pieces for me and I am so blessed to have a custom made cutting table/storage unit in my sewing room, a stand for my aquarium, a custom made turntable for my dinning table, several shadow box display cases, a storage shelf for painting supplies, a tall cabinet for projects, etc., etc.,  He does intarsia work and did this eagle for my husband.

This eagle has a wingspan of 30+ inches!

The work Roy does is what I call excellent!  He has done toy wooden "vintage" vehicles, puzzles, and some wonderful things for himself, including an Irish harp, which I am sorry to say, I don't have a photo of!

What I want to feature here today are these scroll saw designs that he did for my daughter's horse 4-H club fundraiser.  We will be selling raffle tickets for these, but I wanted to show them off here and brag a little bit about my brother!

 The little cowboy
This reminds me of Charles, one of the boys in our club!
(I have to apologize for the photography!)

Dog leading horse

Several people loved this one last year because of the golden retriever!

And last:

Cowboy and his horse

Hope you enjoy seeing these pieces of artwork.  They make me smile!

Thank you, Roy!

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